Eric Staller is one of the most optimistic and experimental photographers on whose work I've come across. He loves playing around with photography techniques that'll give you a whole different experience. Certainly someone to admire. Have a look, his photos are truely something to cast some light on life.
Dear Mom and Dad
Plutzer fountain
Hannover street
Synergy II
Window dressing
To see the rest of this light painting genius's work click here
No, this was not done by some post-production on Photoshop. Photoelasticity is a photographic technique in which you use see-through plastic objects and create rainbow colours on these items by using a LCD screen and a polarised filter.
Credits to BMoreno
Credits to Scottdd222
Credits to jfm_images
Most people use their laptop screens for the background.
Check out the tutorial to see exactly how they do this.
Sparks create a very dramatic look on photos. A very easy way to get these sparks which are relatively save is to use steel wool that you place inside a whisk, attach it to a cable, light it and just start spinning it around to create your flying sparks.
Here are a few examples of people who made the most of their sparks
GWD photography
Kenneth Pagliughli
This tutorial gives an in-depth explanation of how to do it properly, the safety measures, what steel wool to use for different effects, what's a good location, etc.
Have a look and try it out!
WARNING: You are working with open fire, so please follow the safety measures and
don't be responsible for any burn-downs.
Post your photos on my facebook page once you've tried it out!
Ever wondered how the guys do these magic balls of light? Now you can start doing the magic; watch the tutorial and try it yourself. It's actually not that hard once you get the hang of it.
Curious about this last one? Created by fairy lights attached to a hoola hoop!
Check out the video to see how to create these amazing orbs yourself!
Once you've tried it, post your photos on my facebook page [ I like light ]