Friday 8 June 2012

Light master: Patrick Rochon

Patrick Rochon is a true master of painting with light. There is no limits to his experimentation and creativity. He dedicated his life to this form of art.

He says about himself:


The art of moving light

   "I'm a light painter. With photography, video and live performances, I've been painting with light since 1992.   My work is about the movement of light cumulating through time and space. My mission is to get the greater public to know what light painting is, and for it to be recognized worldwide as a form of art."

   "He declared himself a full time light painter in 1997 on a flight to Tokyo. Patrick is known for his visionary light painting portraits as well as his work in the automotive world and his live light painting performances. He takes the art of light painting photography beyond its limits and produces some beautiful work along the way. Patrick enjoys creating spontaneously but he also has been known to meditate to find  his inspiration and then build on the momentum while he works to give birth to a bigger creation. In the early 90′s Patrick was living in New York and did a gallery exhibition with T.Y.K.2, the owner decided to fly the artist to Japan for an exhibition there and he fell in love with Tokyo. Patrick loved it so much he ended up letting his flight go back without him and he lived there for ten years. Patrick is now back living in Montreal Canada working on his light painting imagery."



                        Watch this video of Patrick Roschon and Aurora Crowley 
                        talking about their experience with painting with light.


                       Have a look at his own website 
                       to see more of his mindblowing work.